Grand Bank
The Town of
A rich & proud history with a promising future!
Resident Notification System
Stay Up to Date
The Resident Notification System allows residents to receive updates and notifications through text messages, email, or phone call. Residents can select how they want to be notified and the topics they want to be notified about. The service is free and easy to use.
The Town's service provider for the notification system is Voyent Alert!, a Canadian-based company which specializes in issuing targeted information notifications.
Notification Topics:
General Notices - This will notify residents of non-urgent information and updates on general topics about the Town. This topic is automatically assigned to all subscribers.
Closures and Cancellations - This will notify residents of closures and cancellations of Town facilities and events due to weather events, statutory holidays, and scheduling changes.
Garbage and Recycling Schedule Changes - This will notify residents of any changes to the garbage and recycling schedule including delays and cancellations.
Planning Notices - This will notify residents of planning notices issued by the Town, including variance use applications, discretionary use notices, and regulations amendments, etc.
Public Engagement – This will notify residents of upcoming public engagement activities where the Town is seeking resident input.
Recreation Notices - This will notify residents of upcoming fitness classes and recreation programs such as senior, adult, youth, and children activities.
Road and Construction Notices - This will notify residents of important information on road work including lane closures, detours, and traffic interruptions or any changes to construction projects managed by the Town.
Town Events - This will notify residents of Town events including notices and updates about special events and activities managed and offered by the Town.
Water Shut-off Notices - This will notify residents of planned and unplanned water shut-offs throughout the Town.
What You Can Expect
Track Multiple Locations -
The systems allows you to create and track multiple locations such as “Kids School” or “Mom’s House”. Any event or communication related to your tracked locations will be forwarded to you along via your preferred communication channel.
Communications Your Way -
Receive alerts over a wide variety of communication channels including text/SMS alerting, email or voice calling; you can register for all or one of them.
Privacy is Paramount -
Registration is anonymous, and no information volunteered or derived is shared or used for marketing or data harvesting purposes. Locational information from your tracked locations is only used to determine its proximity to an alert event and to provide critical context within the communications (such as distance and direction).
Leaving is Easy -
Registered users can access an unsubscribe feature accessed via the menu icon on the top left of the screen / page. If the service isn’t working out simply click on the “Unsubscribe” button and you will be removed from the notification system.
What is Voyent Alert?
Voyent Alert! is a Canadian-based company which specializes in issuing targeted information notifications. The company has hundreds of municipal clients across the Country, including many in Atlantic Canada and NL.
For more information you can review the Voyent Alert Privacy Policy. If you require any assistance signing up please contact us at 709-832-1600.
Current Alerts