Grand Bank
The Town of
A rich & proud history with a promising future!

Town Services

Ambulance Service /Law Enforcement
In case of Emergency, call 911

Grand Bank Fire Department
The Grand Bank Volunteer Fire Department is comprised of 25 firefighters, who are divided into four working teams of six. Under the direction of the Fire Chief, the fire department is responsible for the protection of persons and property within the Town’s municipal planning area. The fire department has two pumpers, a rescue unit that carries (among other equipment) basic hand tools used for extrication purposes and an antique 1941 Fargo. Grand Bank has firefighters who are trained from the basic two-day firefighting course to those who meet the NFPA 1001 – Firefighter 2 certification.
The Grand Bank Volunteer Fire Department is located at 19 Riverside West – if you should be visiting the Town of Grand Bank, feel free to drop by and visit us. For more information, visit our web site at www.grandbankfiredept.ca.

Garbage Disposal Services
The Burin Peninsula Regional Service Board provides weekly pick up of residential garbage only with bulk collection once a month. For more information please call 709 891 1717 or visit http://burinpenwaste.com/

Municipal Services
An elected council consisting of a mayor and six councilors governs Grand Bank, with elections held every four years. Council designates committees to regulate municipal services. The provincial electoral district is Grand Bank; the federal electoral district is Burin-St. George’s.

Power Services
Newfoundland Power is an investor-owned electric utility company serving 85% of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, including the town of Grand Bank. Electricity is supplied to Grand Bank from a substation located at Greenhill in Grand Bank. The Burin Peninsula is supplied by two 138 Kv transmission lines from Sunnyside. Grand Bank has two suppliers - one through the western and one through the eastern side of the peninsula. In addition, located at Salt Pond is a 13-mega watt unit that provides emergency back-up electricity to Grand Bank.
Tied into the provincial grid system receiving power from the Bay D'Espoir Hydro Plant, the Grand Bank substation receives power at 66,000 volts for distribution to the surrounding area and eventually to homes and businesses. Electricity on the island portion of the province is supplied by both Hydro and thermal generation and delivered to customers through an efficient generator and distribution network. Approximately 60 percent of the residents of Grand Bank use electricity as their primary source of home heating. Other forms of heating are oil, peat, and wood, with a number of people using wood stoves as an ultimate source of heat. Grand Bank also has a 25-mega watt gas turbine generator for emergencies.

Infrastructure and Other Services
Grand Bank has in place the basic infrastructure and facilities to accommodate further growth in its population. Town planning has kept pace with current demands and future needs in providing its residents with the services and utilities necessary for growth. The environment has become a very important element in today's society and recycling is one major way of protecting it. Residents of the community are working hard to make Grand Bank a clean town to live. The town is compact and contained basically within a square mile radius. Practically all facilities are within walking distance.

Aylward's Furniture
Boot Computers / Sears
Downtown Shopping Area - Water Street and Church Street
Construction equipment sales and services
Freight distribution
Grocery Stores
Heating and plumbing sales and services
Beverage distributors
Food wholesaler
Beer and Ale Distributors
Taxi Service
Landscaping and general contracting companies
Automotive Repair Shops
Moving and Storage Companies
Marine Electronics Service
Sharon’s Nook & Tea Room
12 Water Street
George C. Harris Craft Store (Seasonal)
16 Water Street
Sow & Sew
Floral and Fabric
9 Church Street
Scotia Bank
15 Water Street Grand Bank
A0E 1W0
Grand Bank Memorial Library
Provincial Court
Supreme Court
Red Cross Society
Canadian Cancer Society
Grand For-Line Assoc. for Community Living
Grand Bank/Fortune Ambulance Service
Sea Cadets
Boy Scouts
Girl Guides
Youth Groups
Library Board
Heritage Society
Development Corporation
Volunteer Fire Department
Tenant's Association
Tourism Committee
Sea Cat Dive Club
Floor Hockey and Ice Hockey
Minor Hockey Association
Private Piano Lessons
- Theater Festival - Lighthouse Productions
High School Drama Club
Peninsula Dance Studio (Rhonda Scott)
Grand Bank Development Corporation
Burin Peninsula Community Development Corporation
Computer Repair Service
Harbour Authority
Television/Radio Repair
Accounting and Income Tax Service
Hairstyling Service
Steel Manufacturing and Repairs
Electronic Technical Service