Grand Bank
The Town of
A rich & proud history with a promising future!
1. Remember when the whistle siren would blow on the old town hall building to announce it was dinnertime.
2. Jimmy Warren delivered your wood and coal by a horse and cart, delivered in a pick-up in the later years. Jimmy Warren, first man on the wharf when the steamers came.
3. Remember up the brook, down long shore, Point Bully, the Cove, Cownap, Cow Bay Trail, Up the Flats.
4. Have you ever gone skating on Country Pond, Egger Ralph's Pond or the rink behind the old John Burke, The Brook? What about the first rink next to Fanny Hayward's that was all fenced and well lit? Ever lose a ball summer time playing near Mrs Haywards?
5. Who remembers the old funeral carriage that was used to carry people to their resting place, a horse drawn-carriage or slide if it was winter time? Yes the driver or horse master still lives in Grand Bank. Do you remember the old Orange Lodge parades lead off by JB on the horse?
6. You remember the following and watched them play soccer: Sam Piercey, George Hickman, George Edward Hickman, Stan Grandy, Gord Grandy, Eli Lee ( Bullet Drive )? There are others who will come to your mind, I'm sure.
7. You were taught in school by Mr. Oakley, Mrs. Forsey, Mr. Noseworthy, Mr. Thomasen, and do you remember Miss Bradley, Mr. Max Matthews?
8. You got a novel by saving stars from chip bags off the Scotties chip bag. Dulac chips were good too.
9. You answered your phone with the words, “I listen to CJOX”, What about when we had party lines, haha. If the phone rang three times, it was for us.
10. You know where Eternity Rock and Sally's rock are, and probably had your picture taken at one or both of them.
11. You ever bought something and wrote it down in the book at Buffett's Upper Store. Anyone remember Tom Evans store, John Riggs store?
12. You ever go sliding and know the location of Sam's Hill -- the real one, not George Clements garden up by the highway and the cemeteries. Or did you come down from Farmers Hill on the bonnet of an old car?
13. You ever went jigging scopies on the Eastern Pier, Pattens Wharf, Buffetts Wharf, or the Fisherman’s Wharf. Lot off hooks and spinners at Cocky's, Steve's and Ray’s...I still got my pocket knife and sun glas
14. You ever shopped in Cocky Browns; upstairs was a good Christmas selection, Louie Belbins, a lady who knew how things worked. I remember the big rock on top of the little wood and coal stove she would put the rock in a galvanized bucket, fill with water this would warm the water for cleaning the stove, or did you get a ice cream sandwich at Steve Welsh’s. Oops, forgot the firecrackers.
15. You remember the big antique cash register at Forward and Tibbo. That was where families would purchase a coffin, no funeral home then, just a local undertaker. Who was it?
16. You ever rode or jumped clumpers out in the brook, fall in, and get wet over the head, only to be told on. 0h, my God what a tongue banging then, but it depended on who told on ya.
17. You remember and attended dances at the old theatre, George Grandy, Dick Foote, Tom Douglas and the Twisters, Will Wells was young and a good hand clapper, and of course he was into soccer too, and his brother Archie.
18. Who cut your hair: Billy Matthews, Levi Bungay, Lyman Crowley, Clyde Strowbridge?
19. George Grandy played for your wedding dance; ‘a good time was had by all’. Did Mrs. Reulokke cater for your wedding or did she make a anniversary cake for your church?
20. You ever buy baloney and coke and chips at Harry Grandy's shop by the bridge. Oops, anyone remember having a coke and donut at Ray B'S, the cleanest glass in town spit-shine - haha, who remembers?
21. Were you were ever in a snowball fight between the U.C Academy and the S.A. schools? Anyone remember Mrs. Pardy during the raids? Did they have plexie glass in windows back then? Uncle Jim Warren was the janitor.
22. You bought your vacuum cleaner off Tom Stoodley’s Electrolux.
23. You loaded the Blue Boats and iced draggers worked with a men like Bill George Rogers and Johnny May.
24. You ever poured cement for J&J Carpentry, Bennett's Tom Matthews (or Elic Stoodley) in the summer. Don't forget the long-time business Grandy's Carpentry and Mr. Sim Grandy. Lot a fellers learned from him not only carpentry but the skills of life. I treasure many memories of Mr. Sim Grandy's mom, a little lady dressed in back. God love her.
25. Ever pee behind the Co-op or used the bathroom under Stoodley’s stage. Ever watch the two Phil's kill an animal in Stoodley’s stage?
26. You remember the following: The Cooper Store, the stop light, Trudeau's visit, when the monument was in front of the library, Handy Andy's, the old soccer field. The barbershop was a haven for a yarn, a rumor and a lie, too. Billy Matthews had a crowd after supper, sitting around till nine and, well, Levi and Lyman had the regulars. I say you are naming some as you read this.
27. You remember the bowling alley, great times there too. Yes, we played pool there and we danced in the later years of the operation.
28. You ever won a prize at the fall fair or lost your balloon in the old John Burke Gym. Good ole days, hey. Ever go off on the 24th of May with Fred or Don Tibbo in the box of the truck?
The story is told how Fred Tibbo (taxi driver) took a kid to the old hospital and met a nurse tired and not friendly, Fred asked to see Doctor Burke, and the nurse refused. Fred said, Move aside lady, I could buy this place and put you out of work. haha.
29. You played pinball or pool or hung out at Ged Buffett's or Russell's (Bring on the brawn and sausages as Russell had a meat market too). Taking about brawn, Uncle Abe Dolimount and Aunt Nellie Penwell could do such a job on brawn. My God, I'm getting hungry and we never got their recipe.
30. You remember when these things were constructed: the resevoir, the new dam, the “Pavillion.” Ever look in the forge, a place owned and operated by Wilson Osbourne?
31. You remember Evans’ Restaurant and May's chicken and Lizzie Breon’s Restaurant and the Take-out on Marine Drive. Oops, what about Jim Brown’s Restaurant with a round plate of chips and a coke for 25 cents. For our age the old Cozy Corner, what times guys and gals. Oh, the memories…
32. You remember when they did surgery or you had surgery at the Cottage Hospital and before a dentist was around teeth were pulled there, too.
33. You were born at the cottage hospital or in your own home, Mrs. Kezzie Mullins born lots. Did she born you?
34. You attended the United Church Academy, the Salvation Army School, or the Old John Burke High School; ever spend your recess money in Hec Piercey’s store before going to school?
35. You remember going for a ride on Sunday? If you were lucky, a nice drive to Molliers and got a homemade ice cream at Alex Bennetts. Or you may have just walked to the cemetery on a Sunday afternoon. That was the thing to do back then. What a tongue banging if you trot on a plot. Did you ever do that?
36. You remember soccer games at the old soccer field down the shore. Everyone had soccer fever and temperature ran high.
37. You remember the old CNT building and the CNT office in the Post office Building.
38. You remember or worked on the Grand draggers - Grand Knight, Grand Baron, Fortune Star, Grand Duke, Luckimee.
39. You ever went swimming up by the dam, even though you weren't allowed to. What about the swimming hole the town dug out across from the old town hall? Have they tried to put a road across the brook by Fred Buffetts lately?
40. Anyone remember Mr. Ball working in Emberley’s Store in what is now West Street store?